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Post-Election Events and Resources

January 2021 Update:

We want to use this page to acknowledge the disruptive events that transpired within our nation's Capitol this month, where we witnessed an attack on the people and the process governing the historically peaceful transfer of power in the U.S. What occurred during this attack was unacceptable, undemocratic, and traumatic - and it does not represent an isolated case, as we've witnessed many similar events over the course of the past year, while plagued with a pandemic that is still devastating so many communities and families. Additionally, we acknowledge that the actions of police and law enforcement during that attack were dramatically different from the actions we saw taken over the summer during the protests and Black Lives Matter movements, the overwhelming majority of which were peaceful. As so many of us know and continue to realize, there is a lot of work that needs to be done for justice and for democracy. We encourage you to attend any events shared below, especially if you find them helpful processing the recent events, and look into the below resources as well. The Wellness Center's "Taking Care of Your Flame" page is a great one, as it offers a variety of self-care topics that allows you the option to pick the self-care activity that best fits your immediate needs.

As always, we are here for you.

Dear UIC Family,

We care about you. We know that to say 2020 has been a difficult and unusual year is a drastic understatement. We are in the midst of a global pandemic that has shaken families and communities and changed nearly every aspect of how we interact with one another. The tremendous activism of the past several months has worked to expose the social injustice and racial inequality that has existed for centuries. Moreover, many have called this presidential election the most significant in a generation or more, and it is taking place in a time of significant polarization. In the midst of all this, it is understandable that feelings of anxiety and stress would be high for college students across the country and for our campus community.

We want you to know that your UIC community is here for you. Many units across campus have put together a range of programs for you to breathe, reflect, create, process, and be in community. On this page you can find all the details about events at UIC, and we also included a few that are occurring elsewhere in Chicago and beyond that may be of interest. We know that some folks prefer to process on their own and some with others - and that is all okay!

Also - know that there are many units on campus that are here to support you, including the Counseling Center, the Centers for Cultural Understanding and Social Change, Office of the Dean of Students, Office of Diversity, and many others. The Wellness Center created an amazing resource series called Caring for your Flame - check it out! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need support.

Remember: Your UIC family is here for you.

EVENTS Heading link

(Know of an event that is not on this list? Add it here.)

  • Ongoing – Virtual AARCC: Students, staff, and faculty looking to engage and be with UIC Asian American community can visit Virtual AARCC, where folks can drop in and say hello, interact with AARCC staff and others, learn more about our center, and be with community between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. from Monday through Friday.  To learn more, visit here.
  • January 18, 2021: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service: This year’s MLK Day of Service will connect the results of the election, the pandemic, and the civic unrest that has been occupying our hearts, minds, and streets in a tangible way to give back to the surrounding community. Participants will be able to join a virtual welcome event that highlights these connections, and then work on service projects in-person or virtually.
  • January 20, 2021, 4pm, Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration Speaker: UIC welcomes Dr. Ibram X. Kendi as our 2021 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. commemoration speaker.  This event will be streamed live, ASL and real-time captions will be provided. For access information, contact or (312) 725-2793.  To register, visit
  • January 22, 2021: Registration deadline for MLK Book Club: Join the first UIC Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Book Club, reading “How to Be an Antiracist.” We will have various dates and times for monthly virtual book clubs, open to students, staff, faculty, family, community, and alumni.  Register today!
    • SLCE will be hosting a students-only book club, reading the same book, with an emphasis on antiracism in leadership, and students who join will receive a free copy of the book. Register by January 24 here:

All of the MLK Commemoration Week events – held January 18 through January 22, 2021 – can be found at

  • January 25, 2021, 1pm: POLS Department Presents “America in the Biden Era – Looking Back at the 2020 Election and Forward to 2022”: What can we learn from the 2020 federal and state elec-tions and what might be ahead for the 2022 mid-terms? Featuring POLS Professors Chris Mooney & Alexandra Filindra. This is part of a monthly series, on the last Monday of each month at 1pm (February 22, March 29, and April 26). Series link:

Prior to attending an event, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the UIC Open Expressions policy.