LeaderShape Catalyst

LeaderShape Catalyst

Catalyst by LeaderShape is a one-day program designed for students interested in leader identity development. Both an individual and community experience, Catalyst connects participants with one another and helps them explore their authentic leadership journey. Catalyst challenges participants to explore questions such as: What is my story? Who is in my support system? Who do I support? What are the causes and communities I care most about and how can I contribute? Together, Catalyst participants create a community in which meaningful conversations and inner exploration emerge as critical leadership skills.

Who should participate in Catalyst? Heading link

While Catalyst is appropriate for anyone who is interested in increasing their leadership capacity, program evaluation data demonstrates the higher impact occurs among students who are early in their leadership development journey on campus. Emerging leaders in student organizations, sports teams, and community groups who value authentic leadership will clarify and crystalize their leader identity at Catalyst.

What learning styles are employed in Catalyst? Heading link

The Catalyst curriculum employs a variety of learning strategies, including large group interaction, small group and pair-and-share conversations, and individual reflection through Catalyst participation manual. Catalyst participants should be prepared for an interactive experience that departs from traditional, lecture-style learning. Be ready to reflect and go deep!

Themes Heading link

  • Your Origin Story Explore what it means to choose your own authentic path.

  • Your Characters and Point of View Understand how you best connect and contribute to the groups and causes you care about.

  • Your Next Chapter Commit to a plan to be a catalyst for yourself and the groups or communities you are part of.

Upcoming Sessions Heading link